====== Home page ====== I am an associate professor at the [[http://uni.lodz.pl|University of Łódź]] (Poland) –> [[http://filolog.uni.lodz.pl|Faculty of Philology]] –> [[http://anglistyka.uni.lodz.pl|Institute of English Studies]] -> Department of English Language and Applied Linguistics. Within this department I run the Computational and Corpus Linguistics Laboratory. I am also a member of the [[http://pelcra.pl|PELCRA Team]] at the University of Łódź. ===== Research ===== My research interests include general and English linguistics, phraseology, corpus linguistics, computational linguistics and natural language processing, information retrieval and information extraction. More information about my recent **professional experience** can be found on my [[https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=17547797&trk=nav_responsive_tab_profile|LinkedIn profile]]. I try to maintain a list of my **publications** [[Publications|here]]. See also my [[http://scholar.google.pl/citations?user=PA4u2rcAAAAJ&hl=pl|Google Scholar]]. ===== This Page ===== I use it mainly for the [[courses]] I teach. You will also find here information about my research, publications, references to some of the [[tools]] I have developed and the list of [[research projects|]] I have worked on. ===== Contact ===== You can contact me at piotr.pezik@gmail.com. Piotr Pęzik, 2010-2022 ===== Quick links ===== ^#^Page^Description^ |1|[[courses|Courses]]|Course materials| |2|[[publications|Publications]]|A list of my publications| |3|[[slopeq|SlopeQ Desktop]]|SlopeQ downloads and tutorial| |4|[[papers_pres|Papers]]|Selected papers and presentations|